Last night I got first place in the semi finals with 44 votes. It was indescribable. No words describe the disappointment I feel when I know I had the best show of my life and I didn’t tape it.

Here’s what happened. First comic is on stage. I figure I got 15 minutes till my turn. I go to my car to go over my set. I did my set twice. 10 minutes. I go back inside. The comic in front of me is getting off stage. I didn’t have time to set my camera up. I just walked up to the stage, he called my name. I went up. Something clicked. It wasn’t a hot crowd. I saw other people struggle. It just happened. They were ROARING with laughter. And that’s Dave’s words. I got off stage with one of the better feelings I’d ever had.

I had a feeling I would be in first place but I wanted to stay humble. I didn’t proclaim myself the winner to my friends over text. A couple people came up and said it was a great set. It was agonizing waiting for the end of the show and then even worse as they called 4th, 3rd, 2nd. A big relief when Angela called my name. I didn’t want to be bitter. lol.

Some things that couldn’t have been planned any better: I make fun of my old boss adding me on facebook by saying “I feel like an abused girlfriend. ‘I’m not ready. too soon.’ ” There was a lady in the crowd laughing with a cast on her wrist. I pointed her out and said “You know what I mean. Just leave him honey it’s not worth it.”

The best part was my mom was there to witness it. I was nervous for that because if I didn’t do well, I woulda never heard the end of the “get a real job” conversation. She’s going to come back tonight and hopefully bring some friends. So hopefully she’s a good luck charm.

I hope some of you can make it out one last night as tonight at 8pm is the finals.

Wish me Luck. I’ll need it.

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