Updated Biography

For some reason I must have written my bio when I was still drinking. Many grammatical errors and phrasing problems later. I decided to re write it. Sober. I hope you like it.

Andrew Rivers was on a path to success working at a marketing agency before it all came crashing down with the stock market.

Andrew was laid off and was urged to try stand up comedy by some friends. It started as a way to get out of the house while looking for a new job and turned into a life changing habit.

After 300 shows in each of his first two years as a comedian. Andrew quickly became one of the northwest’s breakout stars and gained a reputation for being one of the hardest working comedians out.

Currently touring as a young full-time comedian across the country. Andrew talks about his life experiences in a fun way, that’s relatable to almost any age audience. He performs all over the country and has worked with Richard Lewis and the Cast of Whose Live Anyway.

Andrew’s newest CD: “Future Sex/Love Jokes” is available now on itunes. Please purchase a copy before Justin Timberlake sues him.

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No Responses

  1. Dear Mr Andrew J Rivers.
    You have a great website with lots of funny shit and stuff and you’re kinda funny too and I have a request to request that you update your updated bio (from 2011), but instead of rewriting the rewritten sober bio from the original non-sober bio from your prepubescent years (which I think should be posted for context or laughs or both or to just honor the past you), I’d like to read a rewritten bio of the rewritten bio with you not sober, but not under the influence of poison which is alcohol, but maybe another substance you prefer to partake instead. Also, what in the hey does your middle initial ‘J’ stand for? Jackoff?

  2. Rasheedah S. says:

    I LOVE your comedy! Would also love to meet you in person someday ❤️…but it seems your not performing any where near me anytime soon…Damn Covid! 🤦🏽‍♀️ P.S. I’m in Maryland by the way…

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