This Weekend. Andrew Rivers & Richard Lewis @ Swinomish Casino

59923_10150261905465058_890440057_14654564_2157073_nI don’t know if anyone is reading this yet, but if you used to read my old blog, you know, I like to plug my shows. Richard Lewis is headlining this weekend at Swinomish Casino in Anacortes. I will be doing a 20 minute MC/Opening set. I’m excited and trying to remain calm and confident. Treat it like any other show. But it’s not going to be.

Although, I have to argue with myself. I’ve waited for this moment. I’ve built my whole act to be able to say  “Clean? No problem.” “Doesn’t step on anyone’s act? No Problem.” “Wide appeal? Sure.” “Still funny? You bet.” I may have to be extra careful not to swear, sometimes I let a few loose if I’m feeling frisk or I feel like cheating to get the crowd to laugh, but I have no doubt they’ll be ready to laugh and have a good time.

So in a sense. I can walk out there. Do my act and say, boom, just like every other night. but I’m not usually opening for Richard Lewis every night. It will be fun. I still don’t know what set list I’ll be doing. They told me they have some “Rules” they want to go over from his people. I told them fine, send them to me now so I can prepare. They said sure. They haven’t sent them to me. go figure. but I also know. I won’t have to change much. I sent them a video. They hired me. Richard said on the radio I’m funny, unique and not a thief because he watched a video (or from how he was talking, it seems he watched a few. I was flattered and relieved.)

Anyway, trying to not freak out. I’ll check in after tomorrow probably. Oh, and come see the show!

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